5G Technology- Everything about 5G Technology

Last updated on September 28th, 2021 at 03:06 pm

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The new mobile technology will revolutions the industry. It’s a 5G technology.  This new 5G Technology have everything new. Lets look how this technology works.

5G Technology

You have heard about mobile techonology 1G,2G,3G,4G. This all names are generation of different mobile technology. First generation of mobile technology called 1G came in 1980. 2G mobile technology comes in 1990. In 2000 the 3G comes in world. And the 4G came in 2010. And now its time of latest mobile communication tech that change the entire telecom. This is called 5G telecom. However 5G alrady launched in 36 countries. In india this technology already under testing. India will develop its own 5G technology.

What is 5G Technology?

5G is a latest mobile communication technology. In world mobile phones using by more and more people.its also increase voice and data usage. The 4G will not enough to handle increase traffic  of voice and data. So world needs new technology that handle this massive traffic. So in result 5G-NR technology developed for that. In general commonly known as 5G.This technology will also change other technology like IOT, Driverless Car, AR and VR , and business technology.

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Who developed 5G technology?

5G Technology is not developed by any one person or company. First ITU or International telecom union agency set some minimum rules and requirements. This agency directly works under United Nation. And 3GPP agency or “3rd Generation partnership projects” known. This agency develop all necessary technology and standards for 5G technology. This technology agency is not single entity but its group of big telecom companies, mobile companies, Chip manufacturing companies and all other big companies.

5g technology- spectrum frequency chart
5G frequency charts

What Difference between 5G and 4G ?

First difference is Speed: 5G is way more faster than current 4G. This 5G technology can support upto 1 GBPS data speed. And theatrically it can support upto 20 GBPS speed. But average it can support 200 to 400 mbps speed.

Second difference is it can handle 100 time more traffic then current 4G. This technology is developed in that way that it can handle voice and data traffic.

Third difference is 5G handle spectrum more efficiently. The biggest problem of spectrum unused is solved in this 5G technology.

Fourth difference is latency. The latency time is 10 milisecond or less.

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Which fields will benefit using  5G?

5G requirements
5G requirements

                Almost all fields will benefit using 5G but main field is Healthcare, Auto Industries, Farming, Manufacturing, IT companies. With use of 5G we will also help in self driving cars. Doctors can diagnose patients on other city. Farming can be automatically done using sensor. Big factory can use AI to automatic manufacturing process. This 5G will help global economy to add $13 trillion dollars. And this will also generate 22 million jobs in worlds.

5G fields and sector
5G Fields

The new  technology used in 5G.

                5G technology will work on 3 different towers or we can say it will use 3 types of frequency. This are Low band, Mid Band and High band or mmwave technology. Each have its own advantage  and disadvantage.

Low band: 

This type of band use less then 1 gigahertz frequency. Very high in range but data speed low. But its still higher then 4G. It can penetrate the big obstacle like building. Very efficient in small town or medium city.  

Mid band:

                This type of frequency used between 1 GHz to 6 Ghz. The range is low but data speed is very high. Its estimated that 100 to 900 mbps speed. This type of tower can seen more in future.

High Band or mmwave:

                This type of towers are fastest in 5G. it can speed more then 1 GBPS. This towers will use very very high frequency . it uses more then 24 Ghz band. But the one big problem with this technology is that it has very low range. Just about 1 KM or more. The signal cant pass through the wall or big building. So its also called small cell tower. This type of tower mainly used in crowded location.

5G Technology- types of towers
5G Technology- types of towers

The speed figures mention here is depends on multiple factors. Like places, tower technology and companies.  

sources: qualcommwikipediaGSMA

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